An adaptation of James Patterson’s Alex Cross series of novels about the complex and brilliant detective. In Part 2, Cross tells Sampson that he smells like “oil and old spice.” In real life, Isaiah Mustafa starred in the great Old Spice commercials as “the man you can smell.” Aldis Hodge is electric as the titular cop, “Alec Cross,” based on James Patterson’s best-selling book series. But the series waxes and wanes over a long 8-episode run that doesn’t justify its length. Ryan Egold, Samantha Volks, and Isaiah Mustafa shine in supporting roles, but Eloise Mumford and Karen Robinson command the spotlight, and even manage to steal Aldis Hodge’s brilliant lead role. If creator Ben Watkins had tightened up the script and focused on the investigative elements rather than the main character’s personal struggles, this could have been a groundbreaking series. It’s watchable, but don’t expect “Reacher” or “Sugar”.