Cloud Management Platforms

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Cloud management platforms offer unidirectional and consistent controls over cloud environments. They assist organizations in managing security, governance and costs and ensure compliance. They can help streamline operations, streamline work processes, reduce human involvement and speed up the deployment of infrastructure, apps and services.

A reliable CMP will support all aspects of the cloud lifecycle from planning to migration. It should be scalable to expand with the needs of businesses and also be able to support different cloud computing types and allow users to modify the tool in accordance with their own practices. It must also consider factors such as reliability and resilience.

To choose the right platform, it is essential to identify your needs and determine what areas of improvement are needed. For instance, you could want to increase the observability of log files through analysis or trying to optimize cloud spending with granular costs analytics and governance policies. Self-service portals can also be beneficial as is a well-curated list of cloud services that have been approved by the government. Automatization capabilities and migration support are also important.

The most effective cloud management tools also offer monitoring and alerting across workloads, data and application performance. They should be able to keep cloud sprawl in check and ensure compliance with different regulations. In addition, they should be able of scaling environments when needed and give real-time alerts of any problems.

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